4 years ago we were sitting in church waiting for the meeting again when I decide to tell my mom that I felt really dehydrated and there was nothing I could do to quench my thirst and I kept having to go to the restroom every 5 minuets. Before I knew it I was pricking my finger just like I had done in the past for fun when my dad, brother, or sister would take their tests. This time was different though, instead of having a normal reading the number was high. I felt like I had run into a brick wall at full speed ahead. Before I knew it my mom and I were on the way to the emergency room. The thought that kept running through my head was, "there is no way this is right, this can't be happening." Out of all the emotions I could feel, I was scared. I had grown up around diabetes my whole life, but it wasn't suppose to happen to me. The whole way to the emergency room I was in denial, i kept telling myself that there must be some kind of mistake. But it was real, it was happening and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
As I was laying in the emergency room with the IV in my arm, I was just in shock. But my mom was right there by my side. Even though I had been so used to diabetes I felt like it was an entirely different thing because it wasn't just watching from a distance anymore, it was happening to me. I was so great to have the support I did though because I had people who could empathize with me because they knew what I was going through.
It was had at first, I kept thinking "why me", but I have been able to see how this has helped me. Yeah, it can be a pain sometimes. It is never going to be easy. But I have learned to live with it and instead of letting it bring me down I just realize that it is a part of who I am. We are all given trials in our lives, but nothing that we cannot handle, sure there are days that I wish I didn't have to check my blood sugar and take insulin before eating. But at the end of the day I know that it is making me a stronger person and it is all going to be worth it.
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