Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Learing to take it all in

Life happens very fast, and I am starting to realize that more and more now. Making decisions can be a hard and scary thing sometimes and lately I have been thinking about what decisions I need to make. Earlier today I called my dad just to talk, I do this on occasion because I love him and I miss him. I am still daddy's little girl so it is nice just to hear his voice sometimes. Well anyway, I was talking with him about life and the way I think I should be going. And it was just such a nice conversation. He knew exactly what to tell me and knew exactly what I needed to hear. None of us are perfect, we all have things that we need to change. This hit me really strong today. I can not get what I want without working towards it. And so that is what I am going to be doing, with the best cheerleaders a girl could ask for, her parents and her Father in heaven. It is going to be a crazy journey but well worth it in the end.